My Goddess

My Goddess

februari 23, 2023 Uit Door Sabina

My Goddess
She has been in many forms
Until she was set free and wild
Impossible to be captured in forms and words
She has so many names and faces

Allways in motion,
Waxing, full, waning and invisible like the moon
Round and round she goes in the spiral of life and death
When you try to catch here,
She seems to disappear in the blink of an eye

In our deep, deep waters she lives like a Selky
Ricing to the surface to warm her body by the sun,
playing with the twinkling of the light on the waves
Giving birth to new beginnings and eras
Nursing her children on the shores between the worlds
No matter how much she loves the life above the waters
She has to go back into the deep to feed her body and mind
It’s her nature, disappearing for the human eye

A mystery for the mind who thinks in boundaries and power
Not understanding and fearing the raw, pure, naked and savage nature
Thinking live has only one form and one straight direction,
not aware of the spirals and shapeshifting possibilities
Hunted, under pressed, misunderstood
Although we might think she and all her knowledge is gone for ever
She and her secrets will always be safe,
crawling under our skin, waiting for us to listen

Indestructible she persistently keeps on rising like a Fenix from the ashes
If you dare to see her,
hear her and feel her for the precious creature she is
You might be the lucky one to hold her in your arms,
to cherish her for the priceless being she is
Then she will open softly and gives you a glimpse of her treasure

Like the sun and the rain, she comes to you
Makes love to you, inspires you
But she will never be yours to keep
And so are the songs she inspires you with.